Nirwan University Jaipur has organized an industrial visit to “Jeevan Mushroom (OPC) Pvt. Ltd” to promote Sensitization and Awareness. This program included talk sessions and many other activities to sensitize the students about innovation and recent technology. Mushrooms are fungi rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Being rich in protein mushrooms are also known as vegetable meat. To get practical knowledge about mushrooms, students were informed about the cultivation technology of Button and Oyster mushrooms.
Mushroom cultivation requires substrate and spawn. Substrates mainly are the byproducts of agriculture like wheat bran, paddy bran, sawdust, etc. Mushroom cultivation requires sterilized environment for production. Apart from substrate and spawn, supplementation can also be included in the cultivation technology. Mushrooms require carbohydrates and protein in proper amounts. To complete the requirement of this various supplements are used in the production technology like gram flour, wheat bran, paddy bran, etc.